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Bottle Splitter

· One min read
Whisky Wizard

Announcing the Bottle Splitter

The bottle splitter is something we have a constant need for. Often, we want to share drams from a bottle but need to organize how to share it.

Imagine a site that allows:

  • A unique URL for the bottle split
  • What drams and sizes are available
  • People can sign up for a slot

Individuals can:

  • Sign up with other providers (e.g. Google, Github, Microsoft)
  • Sign up to splits
  • Share address details if necessary

Current work

The URL for this is at

Right now this is pre-alpha and development is ongoing. Hosting will use free tiers so no one is out of pocket.

Meeting on April 16th 2024

· 2 min read
Whisky Wizard

The Sheffield Whisky Society

Founding Members:

  • Adam Hathcock
  • Luke Richardson
  • Kevin Mowatt


  • Establishment of Society
  • Division of Roles
  • Website Layout & Information Generation
  • Society Meeting Formatting & Timings
  • Society Membership Rules
  • Society Goals
  • AOB & Action Items

Agenda Item 1: Establishment of Society

  • Formal Naming of Society Sheffield Whisky Society
  • Purpose of Society and mission statement
    • Meet Once a ¼ to share a bottle

Agenda Item 2: Division of Roles

  • Adam - CTO (Website Creation/Maintenance & Whatsapp/Communication)
  • Luke - CFO (Bank Account, Bottle Sourcing & Whisky Liaison, Artwork)
  • Kev - COO (Meetings, Venues, Events, Trips, Social Gatherings)

Agenda Item 3: Website Layout & Information Generation

  • What is the purpose of the website?
    • Information on meetings, tastings etc
  • What information should be stored/emparted there? (Mission Statement etc)
  • Hosting the domain information

Agenda Item 4: Society Meeting Formatting & Timings

Once a ¼. Test Run meeting to be arranged. Really informal.

Timings for Society Meetings

Format of Meetings (Society fees used to buy bottle sourced by CFO)

Agenda Item 5: Society Membership Rules

  • TBC once group formalised


  • Date & Timing of 2nd Founders Meeting?

Action Items (to be actioned prior to 2nd founders meeting)

  • Website Creation - CDO
  • Society Meeting Venue Sourcing - COO
  • Speak to Jeff & Mitchell’s for Venue/Info gathering - CFO
  • Logo - CFO